Telling Impact Stories
Use our proven practice of identifying, capturing, and telling stories of impact and generosity that will lead others to take action to advance your mission. During our Anchor Storytelling Workshops learn to capture the passion of your work and match it to purpose to grow your annual fund, volunteer pool, planned giving efforts, and capital campaigns.
find out what people think of your organization
Public Relations
Review your organization’s image, brand, promotion methods and materials, and overall strategy for creating awareness and involvement. GSB people experienced in the rapidly changing world of public relations will give you practical advice to improve your communication.
Find new participants in your programs
Develop detailed work plans to accomplish the goals you set for increased engagement with people. GSB will lead you to new markets and show you how to dig deeper into those you already have. Campaigns will include graphic design, website, social media, video, and more.
find who to market to
Donor Research
GSB guides your staff into the world of gathering information about people who have the potential and are likely to become donors. Using techniques and resources readily available, you will do your own research and keep at it regularly.