Looking for more money to fund your operation? If fees you charge do not cover all your costs of operating, you need an Annual Fund: annual recurring gifts for annual recurring needs.

A productive annual fund is the life-blood of a charitable organization, providing a reliable source of significant income. GSB’s fundraising guides will help you generate annual gifts that will increase each year – gifts you can count on.

And we’ll teach you how to organize and manage programs within an Annual Fund. Each year you’ll get better at fundraising. Your staff and volunteers will enjoy the experience. And you’ll have more money than you ever dreamed of available for your work.

GSB will guide you to develop these Annual Fund programs to increase your fundraising capabilities.

Case Development For Your Annual Fund. If people don’t know why you need annual gifts, if they think your fees are too high (or not high enough), if they wonder what you’ll do with the gifts, then you need to develop or clarify your Case For Support of the Annual Fund. GSB will develop your Case so giving will grow.

Direct Mail. Letters raise money. GSB will write letters for you. Preferably GSB wants to teach you how to write your own fundraising letters which will result in significant increases in gifts.

Giving Clubs. Your donors will give unrestricted gifts and increase their giving each year. Learn systems and methods to involve volunteers in raising money for your organization.

Events. Necessary to bring positive attention to your organization, fundraising events can produce big results but can also eat up lots of time and resources if not done right. Let GSB guide you to efficient and productive fundraising events.

Memorials. Encourage people to remember your organization at the time of a funeral. Donors appreciate the Memorial Packet you provide them. A low-keyed program that produces gifts.

Major Gifts. Remember the 80/20 Rule: 20% of your donors will give 80% of your goal. GSB will teach you how to concentrate your efforts on your top donors and prospects and raise more money.

Organizational Gifts. Service clubs, fraternal organizations, churches, and other community groups are potential donors to your organization. GSB knows how you can reach these groups and gain their support.

Grants. GSB will guide you into the world of preparing grant proposals. Research to find where you may be eligible, methods to build relationships with granting institutions, and assistance in writing and editing proposals are ways GSB can help you.