Colorado Springs, CO

First Lutheran Church Campaign Exceeds Goal!

First Lutheran Church engaged consultant Paul Marsh for their capital campaign soon after Pastor Travis Norton was called to serve the congregation as senior pastor. Founded in 1892, First Lutheran needed substantial renovations for the Peel House, a mansion on its campus that houses numerous outreach and congregational ministries.

Having set a goal of $3.1 million, the campaign engaged more than 100 volunteers and blew through the goal after receiving an incredibly generous $1 million lead gift.

“We are so grateful for GSB and the guidance Paul Marsh gave us to exceed our goal. I was pleased with a structure that made sense but also one that was adaptable to our unique congregation. I also really loved how Paul continually reminded us to have fun! We did!” – Rev. Travis Norton, Senior Pastor, First Lutheran Church in Colorado Springs

GSB Fundraising’s mission is strengthening charitable causes to change the world through generosity. At GSB Fundraising, we have a passion for philanthropy – the art of giving and asking for gifts. We have a large team of partners and consultants that make up GSB Fundraising.

We are in the business of creating lasting relationships with organizations whose missions depend on creating a sense of stewardship among its members. Learn more about creating a culture of generosity here.

Located across the country, each consultant comes from a background in fundraising and drive to help non-profit organizations succeed. Talented partners and associates comprise the GSB Team – experts who can be drawn upon at a moment’s notice.

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