Matching gifts bring success for Calvary Episcopal School


Calvary Episcopal School is growing beyond the borrowed space in the church building where they currently meet. They serve K-6 children and families and have strategic plans to grow into also serving High School youth. They need their own building, a much larger space, to accommodate the additional students.

Their past experience with funds development was hosting an event. The building plan was $15 million, and they set their first goal at $6 million. They contracted with GSB Fundraising to guide them through a capital campaign. “School-based fundraising is unique,” said Evan Moilan, their GSB consultant.

The campaign is in the beginning stages of cultivating leadership gifts. They recently received a $600,000 gift, the second gift over $500,000 toward the $6 million goal. When the donor heard that the campaign was moving into the business division of the capital campaign efforts, they offered it as a match. “I will match any pledge from a business in the community with no limitation,” the donor shared.

“With the $600,000 gift,” said Evan, “they crossed their $2 million mark. That is about ten times what they have ever raised before. This matching gift that came in the night before their big event will change the scope of their campaign.”

Matching gifts are a great way to build or strengthen the culture of generosity in your organization or congregation. Here are a few resources to support your matching and challenge gift efforts.

Challenge and Matching Gifts »

Wealth Screens and Databases »

$10,000 Car Wash »

Written for Center for Generosity