Endowment & Planned Giving

Assets that generate earnings for your annual use are essential for long-term financial stability. It’s called Endowment. GSB has fundraising guides with vast successful experience helping charities and churches start and build Endowment Funds and Foundations. A productive planned giving program is more than just investing wisely. Endowments grow most dramatically when this type of giving is promoted, encouraged and aggressively pursued.  GSB can turn your Endowment program from a quiet fund into a dynamic, productive effort, engaging people and securing big gifts.

Case Development For Endowment. Why do you need and want an Endowment? People will ask and they need to know. GSB will work with you to define the rationale behind your goal to build a substantial Endowment Fund.

Seminars. GSB Guides who work in planned and estate giving will show your people the many advantages to them of including your organization in their estate plan. Planned Giving is a real gift to the donor as well as to you.

Training of Volunteers. On-going guidance and training of your volunteers will result in effective fundraising of estate gifts and will assure your people are governing and leading using the best practices.

Promotion and Marketing. It’s never too late to start a planned giving program. Let GSB set up a system of encouraging your membership and friends to remember you as they make their plans. Your organization with either a one-person shop or several staff people will benefit from the counsel and guidance GSB will give. Click here to download our brochure.

Subscription Service. Simple. Proven. A no-brainer. That’s the GSB Planned Giving Subscription Service. Get the word out in a regular, disciplined, informative manner to your people. Be prepared to respond when they respond. Eight Newsletter Articles and Letters on the most popular ways people give estate gifts.

Training Staff in Personal Visits. As a staff person you do not have to know all the details of the various planned giving instruments. Rather you need to know what to look for when visiting your donors and friends. GSB will tutor you to become expert in knowing when and how to bring in the professional technical people.